Sunday, August 23, 2009
More gray days

Sunday, August 16, 2009
surfing update 2
It's winter in Lima. The days are gray, gray, gray.
But that doesn't stop our intrepid surfing dudes from heading to the beaches of Lima, wetsuits and surfboards in hand, to try to catch some waves.
As it happens, the Gwinner guys are not the only surfing nuts around. The various beaches along the Lima shore are full of them. You can see swarms of black-bedecked surfers out on the waves most anytime on a Saturday or Sunday, bobbing up and down. Sometimes they even stand up and surf, though that depends on the conditions.
Last Sunday, we all headed out to the coast. The water was pretty choppy. We checked out several of the local beaches and settled for one that looked less daunting than some of the others. Britt and Addison used their own boards, and we rented another for Jeremy. In the end, the conditions were tough. Of all the people out that day, nearly no one actually got a good ride. Though that didn't stop them from trying.
And the fun part was that we ran into several of Valerie's colleagues. So in spite of the fact that Lima has a population of 8-million-plus people, it was nice to discover that it can be a small world - and is starting to feel a bit more familiar.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Gwinners in Greece: Part 4 - Random Moments
After the wedding in Athens, Britt had to take off and give a presentation in Germany. Addison and I had an extra few days. We decided to hop on a ferry and go to the island of Aegina, which is an easy boat ride from Athens. Indeed, the ferry ride was totally easy - except for the part where we didn't get off. We realized that we had arrived at an island. But the ferry seemed to be facing the wrong way, and no one seemed to be getting off - but that was because we were on the top level. As it turned out, the people around us were all staying on board to go to the next island. We couldn't see all the people who were indeed disembarking. Fortunately, we discovered that the next ferry stop was close by, after which it just turned around and went back to Aegina, before returning to the port of Pireaus. So, we spent an extra 30 minutes enjoying the comfort of the ferry lounge, feeling a little sheepish.
By the way, Aegina is very pretty and pleasant. We rented bicycles and rode around the island, stopping at nice beaches for a dip and for lunch at a beachside cafe.
The odd thing about Aegina was the incredible number of very overweight people. I don't mean plump. I mean really BIG. They were everywhere - often riding on motorbikes. It was as if Aegina was the rendez-vous point for the over 30% body fat crowd or something. Fascinating.
Gwinners in Greece: Part 3, Family Wedding
Organizing a trip from Lima to Athens is a little complicated. The distances are big, involving lots of hours in airplanes and airports. Also, it's mid-winter here in Peru, rather than summer vacation. But as it happens, July 28 is national independence day in Peru, which is a big holiday. Addison's school gets the month off for winter break. Britt was invited to give a talk in Germany right about the same time. And Valerie was able to schedule the start date of her new job for the beginning of August. So off we went.
It also happens that we Gwinners love a good wedding. Invite us to yours and there's a good chance we'll go - or at least, do our best to attend.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Gwinners in Greece: Part 2 - Peleponnese
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Gwinners in Greece: Part 1, Athens
Britt, Addison, and Valerie are just back from 10 fabulous days of Hellenic adventures. (Jeremy couldn't join us, because he was finishing an internship in Costa Rica.)
July is a great time to leave Lima. It's chilly and gray this time of year. Schools let out for the month of July for winter break, and everyone benefits from a several day celebration of Peruvian independence, in and around July 28. Britt, conveniently, had to give a talk in Frankfurt at the end of the month, and had some meetings in Madrid, so was headed to Europe anyway. Also, Valerie starts a new job in August, so a July trip was her chance for a last celebration of non-employment.
Getting from Lima to Athens is no small things. It's far.
But it is indeed so very worthwhile.
We started off in Athens. Here are some photos:
The new Acropolis Museum just opened in June 09. It is a wonderful museum, beautifully designed and filled with new findings that were discovered on the Acropolis hill during it's construction and renovations of existing sites.