Sunday, May 20, 2012


With May has come the first of a number of big transitions for the Gwinners in Peru.
And this one wasn't even in Peru.
May 15 was the date of Jeremy's college graduation ceremony up in Tacoma, Washington.
Britt, Valerie, and Addison flew up from Lima. Addison was in the midst of IB exams, but luckily had a gap between them that gave him just enough time to fit in the trip to Seattle/Tacoma. It's a long way from Lima, and took us a total of 6 flights, 3 hotels, and 1 car rental. But it was worth it. The weather was glorious. Valerie's mother joined the fun from DC, and we caught up with family in the Tacoma area. We also enjoyed dinners with J's girlfriend and her family.
J. is hunting for an apartment and job in the Tacoma/Seattle area - with promising leads/interviews for jobs through the Americorps program. His goal is to do good. The prospects look promising, even if the salaries are low. Wish him luck. It should be a great ride.

 The happy grad, marching in with his class. The tassles are for the major in international political economy and the colorful scarf is for the focus on Latin American studies
 Jeanne and Jeremy, post ceremony
 The march across the stage as Jeremy's name is called
 and he gets a handshake from the president

 It was a beautiful day, and sun-deprived coeds lounged in the grass, while the families of the grads took seats in the bleachers and on the lawn to watch the graduation ceremony
 The recessional - not as formal as the processional
 Addison, Jeremy, Jeremy's grandmother, and Britt
 Valerie, Jeremy, Addison in the small campus arboretum
 The giant sequoia in the middle of campus is majestic and the college symbol
 In Pike's Place market
 where the fish is giant

 enjoying the sun in downtown Seattle
 where the produce is as big and spectacular as Lima

 driving south to Tacoma, the skies were blue and Mt Rainier was very visible
 Dept ceremony for the international political economy majors
 Jeremy and Jeanne
 Spring on the lovely campus of Univ of Puget Sound
 Ceremony for the Latin America Studies grads
 On a clear day, you can see Mt Rainier from the campus
 Downtown Tacoma with Jeremy and his grandmother
 Glass museum
 Thumbs up for the Gwinner guys
 Walking in the rainforest of Point Defiance
 where the rhododendrons were in bloom
 Dinner with family overlooking the Tacoma port