Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Though Valerie works in a regular (albeit unusually large and pretty) office, with a computer and meeting rooms and such, the setting for her new job is quite different than those she's come across in the past. It involves biology labs, greenhouses, and fields and fields of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other tuber crops.

The commute is tough, but the work campus is lovely. The office buildings are surrounded by gardens with exotic flowers, lots of birds (including a large quantity of humming birds), and sports facilities. She really likes being able to walk around the potato fields at lunch to get some fresh air - and keeps meaning to bring her running gear to really take advantage of them. Most of all, she gets a big kick out of working for a place that has wheelbarrows - and from time to time sends its staff home with freshly picked bags of potatoes and other crops.

post potato harvest shovels

There's lots of random farming stuff lined up against one of the back walls

Greeeeen acres...

Storage and out buildings

Valerie's office, the lantana bushes outside are often visited by hummingbirds

Wheelbarrow, fields, and hills of La Molina

Freshly bagged potatoes

Paper bags origami

fields and hills

more freshly bagged potatoes out in the fields

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