Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lima Halloween 09

When we moved from DC, one of the many things we gave away was our rather substantial costume collection, accumulated over years of Halloweens, school plays, and other random events. Little did we know we'd be dressing up before the year was out.
Now that we've lived here a while, we know better. Peruvians love to dance, sing,dress up in costumes, and celebrate all sorts of occasions. It's one of the many charming things about being here.
And it turns out that Halloween is no exception. Kids wear their costumes to school. And little kids go trick-or-treating, but in the afternoon rather than in the dark. Adults have parties. So do the teenagers. We attended one that was a benefit for an organization that takes care of orphans. It was amazing, and tons of fun. We didn't have costumes, but managed to get some wigs and made do with that. There were some very elaborate and clever costumes in the crowd. We danced into the wee hours of the morning.

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