Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hiking from Huaraz to Chavin

To top off the winter holiday in July, Britt, Addison, and Valerie's brother headed into the Cordillera Blanca for a 3-day hike from Huaraz to Chavin.
They had burros, a guide, and 2 other people to handle cooking and campsite logistics.
The hike took them uphill into a stiff wind for 8 hours on Day 1 to a campsite at 4,000 meters of altitude. This was followed by 2 days through more spectacular landscapes and a along a preColombian road made of carved rocks carefully fitted together into a pavement.
This is the dry season in the mountains so the skies were clear; very blue during the day and filled with stars and the Milky Way at night. Nights were cold as temperatures dipped below freezing.
On day 3 they descended through a dramatic, V-shaped valley into the pre-Inca site of Chavin de Huantar, constructed some 1200 years ago by the Chavin culture. It was a large ceremonial site, with pyramids, massive stone work, and carved figures of dieties and such.

Here are photos:

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