Sunday, July 8, 2012

Uganda market

Valerie had a work meeting in Uganda. It took place in a lovely resort on Lake Victoria. Britt tagged along and worked from the very large room they were assigned.
The meeting featured impressive experts, re-connections with colleagues and work acquaintances, and interesting site visits.

These are portraits of some of the farmers we visited:

 We were visiting a cassava fields, and I couldn't resist taking a photo of the impressive termite mounds you see all over the East African countryside
 Shy child on a farm
 These school children performed songs and dances for us during an afternoon celebration
 These children were eating raw cassava and mugging for the photo
 These photos are from a visit to a potato wholesale market in Kampala

 The potatoes are sorted and placed in 130 kg bags to be trucked to other parts of Uganda, Rwanda, and South Sudan.

 The smaller potatoes are sold on the retail market in smaller quantities

 This  boy is 3 years old and made friends with our photographer/writer colleague, Neil, who is Welsh and was drawn by this little guy's shirt.
 They got along so well, Neil let our new buddy try out his camera
 It was impressive to see  spindly men hoist and carry the 130 kg bags of potatoes
 Then we went to the retail market:
Here a woman was selling green bananas. In Uganda there are hundreds of different varieties of bananas, ranging from red and yellow to green and blue.

 These are yams (not sweetpotato or cassava).
 Lovely beans for sale at the market
 and here is the woman who was selling the colorful beans
Our colleague, Sarah, with a cassava vendor
 A group shot in the retail market
 This woman's smile, and orange scarf, were irresistible
 as was the gentle smile of this young girl

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