Sunday, January 18, 2009

dog stories

Bacchus was very worried about all the packing and moving, initially. He didn't like watching his favorite furniture disappear from our DC house.
But he was very good during the long plane trip to Lima and breezed through dog customs even though the agent didn't speak English and Valerie didn't speak Spanish. 

In Peru, dogs say guau-guau instead of bow wow. Bacchus seems to be getting the hang of it.

This is one of Bacchus' favorite places in our Lima apartment - the downstairs, front terrace. He can lie in the sun and spot the action; cats walking on rooftops, birds, other dogs, etc...

Bacchus loved life on the road, along the Pan American Sur highway. Here on a Paracas beach he found some particularly rotten-fish-smelling sand to roll in. He thought it was great. We didn't and wouldn't let him back into the car till he'd taken a bath in the Pacific.

Peru is filled with stray dogs, including this ancient breed, the Peruvian hairless dog. The dogs look surprisingly healthy and don't seem to be particularly aggressive. Locals put up with them without much concern. 
They got a good laugh out of the idea of charging us full fare to take Bacchus on the boat ride to the Ballestas Islands. In the end, he stayed on shore with a friendly tour operator.

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