Saturday, April 30, 2011


Cajamarca is a town (and region) located in the northern highlands of Peru at about 2,700 meters (nearly 9000 ft) in altitude.  The climate is relatively mild, with enough rain to create lush green valleys and a major dairy industry, but also enough sunshine to keep it pleasant.
The city of Cajamarca is famous as the place where the Inca leader Atahualpa was captured and imprisoned by Pizarro. For his freedom, Atahualpa agreed to pay a heavy ransom, which consisted of filling the room in which he was held up to a point as high as he could reach with gold - and other side rooms with silver. The Incas gathered treasures from Cusco and other places as agreed. But, after accepting the treasures, the  Conquistadors still executed Atahualpa. It was just part of the beginning of the end for the Incas, who ultimately only held power in Peru for 100 years or so.
You can still visit the so-called "ransom room" in Cajamarca. There's some speculation that it was only a jail cell and not the room filled with treasure. Either way, it's a very interesting place.
Cajamarca is also known for its natural thermal hot springs. A short ways outside of the city is a place called the Banos del Inca, where you can visit the hot springs that were part of Atahualpa's residence here. The old structures are not open for use, but there are still public pools and baths in the area. There's also a rather wonderful hotel called the Laguna Seca, which despite its name also offers numerous hot spring pools and giant bathtubs with endless hot water in each room.
Outside of the city in the surrounding area there are Inca ruins, interesting farms, odd natural formations, and other things to see and enjoy.
We went to Cajamarca for the 4-day Easter holiday, and did our best to take advantage of some of the pickings.

The Banos del Inca feature the original baths and buildings used by Atahualpa, and still present pools and baths for locals
We totally enjoyed the hot springs and spa of our hotel
Visiting the Bosque de Piedras (Stone Forest) in Cumbemayo. The rock formations are impressive, and there is a remarkable pre-Columbian aquaduct, cut directly into the rock and decorated with petroglyphs.
The local tradition includes these high hats.
Valerie checking out the thick wool on this sheep
Upside-down rainbow
Checking out the rock-climbing

Putting a new meaning to the term rock face
The fog comes rolling in 
Walking along the hand cut canal
These are pre-Columbian tombs in a site called the Ventanas (windows)  of Otuzco
Heading for a bike ride into the hills above Cajamarca
The minerals in the hot springs give the water this odd blue color.

This is the "ransom room" in Cajamarca, where Atahualpa was kept as a prisoner by Pizarro
"Fill it to here with gold"
Viewing the top of the Cajamarca Cathedral from the ransom room.
Belen Church in Cajamarca
Old streets of Cajamarca
Plaza del Armas, Cajamarca

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