Thursday, April 21, 2011


Mancora is a town located on the northern coast of Peru, near the border with Ecuador. It is known to have some of the nicest beaches in the country; light sand, clear warm waters, palm trees, and plenty of charming hotels.
It's a very popular summer destination - particularly in January and February when schools are out of session.
We went in April, at the tail end of beach season, which runs from Christmas to Easter here in Peru.
The weather was beautiful, as it is pretty much year round up there. The days were sunny and nights refreshed by rain.
Many of the visitors to Mancora this time of year are 20-somethings, taking advantage of the waves to surf and kite-surf. But our hotel was mostly populated by middle-aged couples, so we blended right in. It was run by a lively man, whose mother is a famous TV chef here in Peru. So, along with the excellent beach access, nice views, access to sea kayaks, and relaxing atmosphere, we enjoyed excellent food.

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